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Jeff Bezos Says kindness in the workplace Comes Down to four Simple Things

A childhood memory of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, provides a profound lesson on the importance of kindness over cleverness. As a young boy, Bezos calculated the number of cigarettes his grandmother smoked during their car trips and proudly informed her that she had shortened her life by nine years. However, instead of receiving applause for his cleverness, his grandmother burst into tears. This unexpected reaction deeply impacted Bezos and taught him a valuable lesson: it is harder to be kind than clever.

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Jeff Bezos Says kindness in the workplace Comes Down to four Simple Things

8 July 2023 8:01 AM GMT

A childhood memory of Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, provides a profound lesson on the importance of kindness over cleverness. As a young boy, Bezos calculated the number of cigarettes his grandmother smoked during their car trips and proudly informed her that she had shortened her life by nine years. However, instead of receiving applause for his cleverness, his grandmother burst into tears. This unexpected reaction deeply impacted Bezos and taught him a valuable lesson: it is harder to be kind than clever.

Bezos emphasizes the significance of kindness in the workplace and in personal relationships. While intelligence and accomplishments are admirable, what truly sets individuals apart is their kindness, especially in challenging situations. Mark Cuban also recognizes the undervalued skill of being nice in business. Being kind is a choice that can make a significant difference in people's lives.

Bezos further shares insights on focusing on aspects that will remain constant rather than attempting to predict what will change. He built Amazon around principles he knew would endure, such as low prices, fast delivery, and vast selection. By concentrating on these stable elements, Bezos invested in the long-term success of Amazon, ensuring that the company would consistently provide what customers desire. The ability to identify and invest in enduring qualities is a key factor in building a successful business strategy.

Bezos acknowledges the difficulty of making major life decisions and the fear of potential regret. He encourages individuals to project themselves into the future and consider minimizing regrets when they reach old age. Looking back, people often regret the opportunities they missed and the chances they did not take. Bezos shares his personal experience of leaving a secure job to start Amazon, knowing that he would never regret trying, even if it failed. Regretting actions not taken is more common than regretting failed attempts. Taking chances and pursuing personal goals can lead to a fulfilling life with fewer regrets.

Another valuable concept Bezos shares is the idea of creating a personal or business flywheel. A flywheel represents a self-reinforcing loop that gains momentum over time. By identifying key initiatives that feed and drive each other, one can build a powerful flywheel effect. Bezos exemplifies this with Amazon, where lower prices attract more customers, increasing sales volume and enticing third-party sellers, ultimately leading to greater efficiency and even lower prices. Feeding any part of the flywheel accelerates the entire loop.

The concept of a flywheel can be applied in various areas of life, such as personal fitness goals. Each component, such as exercise, healthy eating, and accountability through workout partners, feeds into and accelerates the entire system. By identifying the critical drivers of success and ensuring they reinforce one another, one can create momentum and sustained progress.

In conclusion, Jeff Bezos' childhood memory serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of kindness over cleverness. Being kind requires conscious effort and can make a profound impact on others. Additionally, Bezos' insights on focusing on enduring qualities, embracing opportunities to avoid regret, and creating a personal flywheel provide valuable guidance for personal and professional growth. By applying these principles, individuals can cultivate a more fulfilling and successful life

Jeff Bezos Amazon 
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